Journal articles
Fakhoury, T. (2021). The External Dimension of EU Migration Policy as Region-building? Refugee Cooperation as Contentious Politics. The Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Fakhoury, T. (2021). Echoing and re-echoing refugee policies in the international system: The Lebanese state and its political imaginary. Digest of Middle East Studies, 00, 1–8.
Fakhoury. T. (2021). Refugee return and fragmented governance in the host state: displaced Syrians in the face of Lebanon’s divided politics. Third World Quarterly, 42(1), 162-180.
Fakhoury, T. (2019). Multi-level governance and migration politics in the Arab world: the case of Syria’s displacement. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(8), 1310‒1326,
Fakhoury, T. (2019). Power-sharing after the Arab Spring? Insights from Lebanon’s Political Transition. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 25(1) , 9‒26,
Fakhoury, T. and Ozkul, D. (2019). Syrian refugees’ return from Lebanon. Forced Migration Review, 62, 26-28.
Nagle, J. and Fakhoury, T. (2018). Between Co-Option and Radical Opposition: A Comparative Analysis of Power-Sharing on Gender Equality and LGBTQ rights in Northern Ireland and Lebanon. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 24(1), 82‒99,
Brand L. and Fakhoury, T. (2018). Migration and Transnational Governance: Middle East Cases And Challenges. Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies, 5(1), 1-10.
Fakhoury, T. (2018). The Arab Uprisings and the Politics of Contention Beyond Borders: The Case of Egyptian Communities in the United States. Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies, 5(1), 71-100.
Fakhoury, T. (2017). Governance Strategies and Refugee Response: Lebanon in the Face of Syrian Displacement. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 49(4), 681–700.
Fakhoury, T. (2017). The European Union’s Engagement in Conflict Processes and Conflict Spillovers: The Case of Lebanon Since the Outbreak of the Syrian War. European Foreign Affairs Review, 22(1), 39–58.
Darwich, M. and Fakhoury, T. (2017). Casting the Other as an existential threat: The securitization of sectarianism in the international relations of the Syria crisis. Global Discourse, 6(4), 712–732,
Fakhoury, T. (2016). Securitising Migration: The European Union in the Context of the Post-2011 Arab Upheavals. The International Spectator, 51(4), 67–79,
Fakhoury, T. (2015). Lebanon’s Perilous Balancing Act. Current History, 114(776), 349-354,
Fakhoury, T. (2015) Transnational Immigrant Narratives on Arab Democracy: The Case of Student Associations at UC Berkeley. International Migration, 53(3), 8–21,
Fakhoury, T. (2014). The EU and Lebanon in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings. Middle East Policy, 21(1), 133–143,
Fakhoury, T. (2014). Do Power-Sharing Systems Behave Differently amid Regional Uprisings? Lebanon in the Arab Protest Wave. The Middle East Journal, 68(4), 505–520.
Fakhoury, T. (2014). Debating Lebanon’s Power-Sharing Model: An Opportunity or an Impasse for Democratization Studies in the Middle East? The Arab Studies Journal, 22(1), 230–255.
Fakhoury, T. (2011). Lebanon against the Backdrop of the 2011 Arab Uprisings: Whichh Revolution in Sight? New Global Studies, 5(1),
Fakoury, T. (2016). Youth Politics in Lebanon: A Call for Citizen Empowerment. SAHWA Policy Paper, 25 November 2016,
Fakhoury, T. (2016). Tangled Connections between Migration and Security in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings: A European Perspective. Rome: Istituto Affari Internazionali, Working Papers 16(6), March 2016.
Fakhoury, T. (2012). Emigration from Arab and Sub-Saharan Regions: a Socio-Political Inquiry into Push Factors, Policies and Diasporas Contributions to Development. Migration Policy Centre Research Report 2012/12. Florence: European University Institute.
Fakhoury, T. (2008). Lebanon’s Versatile Nationalism. EUI Working Papers, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies 2008/13. Florence: European University Institute.
Fakhoury, T. and Fargues, P. (2008). Studying Migration across the Mediterranean. EUI Review 3, Robert Schuman Center, Florence: European University Institute, 39–42.